1. About us

The Private Mennonite Foundation of Barcelona is a non-profit entity, linked in values with the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Barcelona, through which a group of volunteers collaborates in the provision of social assistance services in different areas.

The entity was established in 2006 and has its registered office and fiscal address at Av. Cardenal Vidal y Barraquer, 28, 08035 Barcelona. This place, with a Christian tradition dating back to the 1980s, was originally established as "Hogar de Paz" - "Home of Peace" thanks to the collaboration of Mennonite communities from the United States and Europe.


The purposes of the Barcelona Mennonite Private Foundation are the following:

  • Provide support and promote care and assistance projects for people, including children, young people, the elderly and other groups at risk of social exclusion.
  • Provide support and promote projects that promote peace, non-violence, mediation in conflicts and solidarity and defense of human rights within our society.
  • Provide support and promote projects that encourage collaboration between aid entities, participation in international solidarity and development cooperation projects, and cooperation between social projects of churches and Christian communities.
  • Undertake, support and promote projects that promote the values ​​and principles of the Mennonite Christian tradition and culture.
  • Collect and manage resources to achieve the founding purposes.

Our main objective and activity as an entity focuses on covering and/or fulfilling, to the extent of our possibilities and resources, the basic needs of people who may be referred from different organizations (public and private) and individuals, due to being at risk of exclusion social.

We understand this call to help those in need as an expression of the solidarity and mercy of the community of Christ and the love of God towards every human being, and especially towards the weakest.

This aid is intended for people and/or family groups in need, without distinction based on origin, belief, gender, race, etc.


2. Activities & Projects

Within our call and our mission, we allocate the facilities of the Barcelona Mennonite Private Foundation to different activities. Below we detail the most notable ones.

If you are interested in delving deeper into them, participating or collaborating, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In order to offer a space for participants in training courses and religious groups who wish to share with the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Barcelona or with other religious centers in the city, in our facilities we have a space with a double room and a single room in which shares common areas such as the kitchen and dining room, thus creating the opportunity to meet other residents of the Foundation. Over the last few years we have received visits from communities and missionaries from various countries.


At our Foundation, we are convinced that everyone has the right to a safe and welcoming environment while striving to improve their personal situation. With this goal in mind, we offer temporary stays of between 3 and 6 months to people who find themselves in needy circumstances.

The program is open to people who are in a vulnerable situation, whether for economic, health or personal reasons. We evaluate each case individually to ensure that we can offer the most appropriate help for each particular situation.

We have several rooms of different sizes intended for this purpose, which are accompanied by shared common spaces, including a kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room and a common room, all equipped to foster an atmosphere of community and mutual support.

During the year 2023, we have been able to provide shelter to more than 30 people, providing them with stability and a safe place to reside.



The spaces that the Foundation has are used for various activities aimed at promoting Mennonite and Anabaptist values, such as:

Anabaptist Workshops

In collaboration with the CETEKA Seminary and the Evangelical Mennonite Church, we seek to promote Mennonite and Anabaptist values (Peace, non-violence, conflict mediation...), through training workshops, studies and seminars.

Meetings to promote Christian values, peace and nonviolence

In collaboration and at the request of different entities, the Mennonite Foundation provides its spaces for retreats and meetings for these purposes.

Solidarity sewing and patchwork workshops

In collaboration with the Mennonite Central Committee (CCM-MCC), this workshop aims to create quilts and textile materials for solidarity delivery to countries in situations of war or humanitarian emergency.

Solidarity collection of school supplies

In collaboration with the Evangelical Mennonite Church, we participate in the “Operation Christmas Child” campaign, in which school supplies are collected to be delivered to the most disadvantaged children and adolescents.


3. With whom we have collaborated

We have collaborated over the years with different organizations, including:

  • AJUNTAMENT DE BARCELONA: Serveis Socials del Carmel, i d’Horta-Guinardó.


4. What resources do we have

Our project does not receive any public aid and is supported by private contributions from people and entities.

The main contributions come from:

  • the volunteering of the sisters and brothers of the Evangelical Mennonite Community of Barcelona
  • the Mennonite Private Foundation itself, through the provision of spaces
  • the Evangelical Mennonite Church, which has allocated a social aid funds


5. How to collaborate with us

If you want to lend a hand to our project and improve the living conditions of the people we serve, you have the following options:

  • Give your time to dedicate to people in need
  • Donate material resources that may be helpful
  • If you consider that you are in a position to make a financial contribution to the project, make a deposit to the following account number: Caixa Bank: ES58 2100 3054 6122 0092 1187

Whatever your possibilities, your help will always be very welcome!


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